The Weekly Squeak — Issue #60
In this episode I speak with Peter Suma of Applied Brain Research about Nengo, a complete brain maker that allows you to develop and run models with deep learning, online learning, static weights, simple linear neurons, complex spiking neurons, and everything in-between.
Also features content covering tools for working from home, two player games, a “Hello World” for the modern era, and much more!
Stay safe everyone, xx Chinch
Podcast version
Hear the podcast version of this newsletter, including my interview with Peter Suma of Applied Brain Research below.
Why Berlin isn’t going to be Europe’s next big tech hub —
Berlin! it’s great for startup founders! Or is it? 🤔
Microsoft buys JavaScript developer platform npm; plans to integrate it with GitHub —
Microsoft is acquiring Node package manager npm Inc., officials announced on March 16. (Neither company is sharing the purchase price.) Microsoft plans to integrate GitHub with npm with the intent of making the combined community even more appealing to JavaScript developers.
Top 10 open source tools for working from home —
If you work from home, you know how important it is to have a great set of tools that stay out of your way and let you focus on what matters. The harder you work during work hours, the more easily you can relax once the workday is through.
An Oral History of How the Movie ‘WarGames’ Inspired Ronald Reagan’s Cybersecurity Policies —
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A modern ‘Hello, World’ program needs more than just code —
Not too long ago, a client called on me to write a program in RPG on an AS/400. To quote the Great Lobachevsky, “боже мой!” I don’t want to admit how long it had been since I last wrote RPG other than to note it was probably before most of my readers were born.
‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ at the Museum of the Bible are all forgeries —
On the fourth floor of the Museum of the Bible, a sweeping permanent exhibit tells the story of how the ancient scripture became the world’s most popular book.
12 Board Games and RPGs 2 People Can Play While Keeping Their Distance…Together —
Social distancing isn’t necessarily a one-person experience (although if it is for you, we made a list of games that can help with that). Some of us are living with a partner, a roommate, or someone else who plays an important role in our lives.