The Weekly Squeak — The Tactigon, academic scandal, and gaming colonialism
In this episode I speak with the makers of the Tactigon wearable gesture controller, look at scandal in Oxford, DLC in D&D, decolonialising gaming, and much more.
xx Chinch
Podcast version
Hear a podcast version of this newsletter, including an interview with Tactigon.
A scandal in Oxford: the curious case of the stolen gospel
What links an eccentric Oxford classics don, billionaire US evangelicals, and a tiny, missing fragment of an ancient manuscript? unravels a multimillion-dollar riddle
11 top open-source API testing tools: What your team needs to know —
How do you find the right open-source API testing tool for your needs? Since my last roundup of the best candidates, a few more tools have appeared that warrant consideration — and there’s a new technique that’s all the buzz in AI automation circles that you need to know about.
How to become a modern magician? — productivity tips for devs on macOS
I always loved magic. I was never a believer, but I fell in love with the concept of humans conjuring unbelievable realities by saying words and making simple gestures. When seeing a wizard performing magic, it seems like anyone could do it.
Dungeons & Dragons basically has DLC now, and it’s excellent —
Dungeons & Dragons is experiencing an unprecedented renaissance, with more people than ever before picking up and enjoying the original role-playing game. Published adventures are easy to come by, and you can even find starter sets and dice on the shelves at your local big box retailer.
Goa, Gods, Gandhi and Greed: Lessons in Colonialism from Four Boardgames —
It’s an eight-and-a-half-hour drive from Toronto to Indianapolis. And the route, which takes me through Sarnia, Detroit, Toledo and Fort Wayne, is far from scenic. But Gen Con is the biggest boardgame convention in North America, and there’s no direct flight between the two cities.